Sarah (gbignails)

Where to find them?
Instagram- @gbignails

Favorite Color?

Favorite Shade of all time?
Wow. That is a hard question to answer ... From fomo I would say; Holo Hooker and Take a Hike. Besides fomo, I would choose La Lluvia or Sapphire from Cupcake Polish

Anything you want to tell the world?
Don't let anybody tell you that you won't be as good as someone else, regarding things you enjoy. Never compare yourself to anyone, you are you. And you are beautiful.
What intrigues you about Fomo Lacquer?
Let it be known that I, Gbignails, have owned almost all cuticle oil scents released from fomolacquer. I love that we get a new scent every month!! I also look forward to seeing new polishes they release. To this day, I haven't been disappointed with my fomo purchases. The shipping is amazing, the handling's always with care! Amber even takes time from her day, to respond to notes we leave.
I'm always going to remember my first Fomo Fever purchase. (Holo Hooker and Birthday Cake cuticle oil scent)

'New Year, Same Shizz'